Check more of these warning signals indicating it’s time to get a faucet replacement in your home.
Your bathroom and kitchen faucets are used since they are your home’s standard operating equipment. However, a malfunctioning faucet might rapidly disrupt your daily routine. This is why you need trustworthy faucets in your house for multiple reasons. Check more of these warning signals indicating it’s time to get a faucet replacement in your home.
Poor Water Pressure
Poor water pressure that’s consistent in your home most likely indicates a problem with the water itself. So, you might need to call your water company to know why. Otherwise, pressure problems in one sink may occur due to hard water buildup or excessive corrosion. In addition, these problems can be hard to reverse, so replacing the entire faucet is wise.
Noisy Faucet
Depending on the faucet’s issue, noises from the faucet will vary. Any unusual sound that you hear indicates that something is wrong. For instance, a screeching sound might suggest that the faucet’s rubber washer needs to be replaced. Other noises, such as clanking or clicking, could signify that certain faucet pieces might have cracks. At this point, you need a faucet replacement.
Aging Faucet
Your faucet’s lifespan will depend on its make and model. However, if you properly maintain and clean, most faucets will last about 15 years. Remember that you must replace any old faucet in your home. Also, you may need to inspect any piping to confirm there aren’t any other plumbing problems. Fortunately, W.H. Winegar & Son Heating and Plumbing is ready to offer you with the best faucet replacement options and solutions.
Water Tastes or Has a Foul Odor
Weird odors or bad-tasting water from a faucet can signify a problem. If the odor or taste is focused on one faucet, the piping or faucet might have too much wear and tear. As the faucet starts to break down, your water can get rusty and cause it to taste or smell bad. One of our professional plumbers can diagnose what exactly is triggering the smell or taste and complete a faucet replacement if necessary.
Mold Formation
Any area where your faucet leaks water can lead to mold formation. Besides damaging your cabinets, walls, or counters, mold can be unhealthy to have around your family or pets. If you recognize any mold in or around your faucet, immediately inspect for leaks. In addition, some leaks can go unnoticed for multiple weeks resulting in mold growth before you even recognize it.
If you’re seeking plumbing or heating repairs, replacements, or other solutions, look no further than W.H. Winegar & Son Plumbing and Heating! With decades worth of industry experience, our leading professionals are guaranteed to find incredible solutions to all your plumbing and heating problems. Now that you know us, let us get to know you! If you are curious about any of our business services, reach us by telephone at 301-384-5818 or fill out this contact form, and one of our representatives will contact you shortly. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn!